Every now and again a product comes along that’s totally bankable. For me, Hippeas just ticks all the boxes. I’m not one to go crazy over crisps, being more of a chocolate fan, but when the hankering hits, it hits hard. Sometimes savoury snacks are all that’s going to cut it. Of course, ‘normal’ crisps are not exactly a health food. Hippeas are lower in calories, saturated fat and salt than your average crisps, plus they actually have fibre content! They’re made from puffed chickpeas and come in a variety of flavours, all of which are organic and vegan. There’s Sweet & Smokin’ (my favourite); Far Out Fajita; In Herbs We Trust; Pepper Power; Cheese & Love (yes, it too is vegan.)

They’re crunchy and tasty and they leave you feeling fuller than when you started eating them, which is not true for most crisps. I suppose it must be the extra protein. (Who says vegan foods are protein deficient? Not me, that’s for sure…) One of my colleagues introduced me to these little wonders and I’m so glad she did. After tasting the goodness I was even more pleased to discover they’re fairly readily available. I buy mine in Boots or Holland & Barratt, but you can purchase Hippeas from Waitrose, Superdrug and W. H. Smith amongst others. More details on their website.

So now you know. If you have a craving for a savoury crunch, then grab a bag of Hippeas, trying all the flavours to find out which is your favourite!