Easy, quick, yummy, hardly any ingredients and the ones there are, are easy to get hold of anywhere. This recipe has it all. Plus, you’ll kind of feel like you’re in your own little Italian restaurant by the time you’re finished.
500g (approx.) tomatoes, cut small (I quarter baby plum tomatoes, ooh, Mediterranean!)
4 tsp (or as much as you like) dried basil (although if you have fresh 4tbsp would be grand.)
Salt – just a touch
Olive oil – a couple of tablespoons or so
Four cloves of garlic, minced (depending on how garlic-y you like it)
Onion, diced
4 Fresh ciabatta or other yummy bread that’s easy to balance on a grill

Here’s how I do it:
Preheat a medium grill.

In a bowl, put your tomatoes, basil, salt oil, garlic and onion and give them a good old mix around. If you’re feeling fancy you could even add a few chopped olives or roasted peppers.

Cut your bread into thick, wide slices, big enough to accommodate a fair amount of topping. Place the slices either directly onto the grill if you’re feeling confident, or do as I do and find a baking tray that fits on top of your grill and toast them that way.

Once the bread is slightly browned on one side, take them out and flip them over. Spoon some tomato mixture onto each until they’re covered to the edges (see the need for the baking tray?) and pop them back under the grill.

Once they’re nicely toasted, place the slices carefully onto some plates using a spatula and devour, as the gorgeous smell will be driving you crazy by now.